

The year without summer – David Biello

深入研究地球工程,它使用技术来操纵地球环境以应对气候变化。– 1815 年,坦博拉火山爆发,其排放物遍布全球,遮蔽了几乎整整一年的阳光。这对农业造成了严重破坏,导致整个北半球发生饥荒。那一年没有夏天——人类历史上最黑暗的时期之一。那么为什么一些现代研究人员考虑重复它呢?


It’s April 10th, 1815, and in just a few moments the sun is going to disappear.
On an island in present-day Indonesia Mount Tambora erupts with a boom that can be heard over 2,000 kilometers Sulfurous plumes of steam and ash billow thousands of meters into the sky forming dark storm clouds of soot and lightning.
This eruption will go down as the largest in recorded history but, at this point, its impact is only just beginning.


  • Erupts [ɪˈrʌpt] (verb) 爆发 – 这里指火山的喷发
  • Sulfurous [ˈsʌlfjərəs] (adjective) 含硫的 – 指喷发出的气体带有硫磺成分
  • Plumes [pluːmz] (noun) 羽状物 – 指火山灰和气体喷发形成的羽状物
  • Ash [æʃ] (noun) 灰烬 – 指火山喷发时喷发出来的颗粒物质
  • Billow [ˈbɪloʊ] (verb) 翻滚 – 指火山灰和气体在空中翻滚膨胀
  • Soot [sut] (noun) 煤烟 – 指火山喷发时释放出来的黑烟雾
  • Lightning [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ] (noun) 闪电 – 指伴随火山喷发而产生的雷电
  • Recorded [rɪˈkɔrdɪd] (adjective) 记录的 – 指史上被记录下来的最大火山喷发
  • Impact [ˈɪmpækt] (noun) 影响 – 指火山喷发所带来的影响正在慢慢显现

Ascending high into the atmosphere,Tambora’s emissions spread across the globe,blotting out the sun for almost an entire year.
The hazy skies and cold weather of 1816 wreak havoc on agriculture,leading to famines all across the Northern Hemisphere.
Nations struggle with epidemics,and artists craft bleak tributes to these seemingly apocalyptic times.


  • Ascending [ə’sɛndɪŋ] (v.) 上升,升高
  • atmosphere [‘æt.mə.sfɪər] (n.) 大气层,气氛
  • emissions [ɪ’mɪʃənz] (n.) 排放物,散发物
  • globe [ɡloʊb] (n.) 地球仪,星球
  • blotting out [blɑt] (v.) 遮盖,覆盖
  • hazy [‘heɪzi] (adj.) 模糊的,朦胧的
  • agriculture [‘æɡrɪkʌltʃər] (n.) 农业
  • famines [‘fæmɪnz] (n.) 饥荒,饥馑
  • Northern Hemisphere [‘nɔrðərn] [‘hɛmɪsfɪr] (n.) 北半球
  • Nations [‘neʃənz] (n.) 国家,民族
  • struggle [‘strʌɡl] (v.) 奋斗,努力
  • epidemics [`ɛpɪ’dɛmɪks] (n.) 流行病
  • artists [‘ɑrtɪsts] (n.) 艺术家
  • craft [kræft] (v.) 工艺制作
  • bleak [blik] (adj.) 阴冷的,凄凉的
  • tributes [‘trɪbjuts] (n.) 赞美,颂词

This was the year without summer literally one of the darkest periods in human history.
So why are some modern researchers looking for ways to repeat it?
Obviously, no one wants to replicate this period’s famine and despair.
But some scientists are interested in using sulfurous haze to block out the sun, and hopefully, slow the effects of global warming.
This is one of many proposals in the realm of geoengineering a class of deliberate, large-scale interventions in Earth’s natural systems intended to help restrain climate change.


  • Modern [ˈmɑdərn] (adjective) 现代的 – 指现代的科学研究人员
  • Researchers [rɪˈsɜrtʃərz] (noun) 研究人员 – 指专门从事科学研究工作的人员
  • Sulfurous [ˈsʌlfjərəs] (adjective) 含硫的 – 指含有硫磺成分的
  • Haze [heɪz] (noun) 雾霾 – 指空气中充满了大量的烟雾、尘埃等而导致的朦胧状态
  • Block out (phrasal verb) 遮蔽 – 指遮挡阳光,使其不再照耀到地面
  • Global warming [ˈɡloʊbl ˈwɔrmɪŋ] (noun) 全球变暖 – 指由于温室气体排放等原因,全球气温持续升高所引起的问题
  • Proposals [prəˈpoʊzlz] (noun) 建议 – 指在科学或政策层面上提出的解决问题的方案
  • Realm [rɛlm] (noun) 领域 – 指一个特定的领域或范围
  • Geoengineering [dʒiːoʊˌɛndʒəˈnɪrɪŋ] (noun) 地质工程 – 指对地球自然系统进行有意识的干预以抑制气候变化的一类工程领域
  • Deliberate [dɪˈlɪbərət] (adjective) 故意的 – 指在地质工程中,人们故意对自然系统进行大规模干预
  • Interventions [ˌɪntərˈvɛnʃənz] (noun) 干预 – 指对地球自然系统进行的人为干预,以应对环境和气候等问题

Different geoengineering schemes intervene in different systems.
Any plans to cool the planet by blocking the amount of sunlight reaching the earth would fall in the category of solar radiation management.
Some of these proposals are massive in scale,such as suggestions to create a helpful version of volcanic plumes
or build a giant sunshade in Earth’s orbit.
Others are more limited, focusing on enhancing natural cooling systems. For example, researchers might enlarge marine clouds or make Earth reflect more sunlight by building huge swaths of white surfaces. Many of these plans sound more than a little strange.


  • geoengineering [dʒiːəʊˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ] – n. 地理工程
  • solar radiation management [ˈsəʊlə reɪdɪˈeɪʃən ˈmænɪdʒmənt] – phr. 太阳辐射管理
  • proposals [prəˈpəʊzəlz] – n. 提议
  • massive [ˈmæsɪv] – adj. 大规模的
  • volcanic [vɒlˈkanɪk] – adj. 火山的
  • plumes [pluːmz] – n. 羽毛状物
  • orbit [ˈɔːbɪt] – n. 轨道
  • limited [ˈlɪmɪtɪd] – adj. 有限的
  • enhance [ɪnˈhɑːns] – v. 增强
  • reflect [rɪˈflekt] – v. 反射
  • swaths [swɒθs] – n. 宽阔的地带
  • strange [streɪndʒ] – adj. 奇怪的

But there’s reason to believe they might work,not least because of natural events like the eruption of Tambora.

Scientists know that volcanic eruptions have periodically cooled the climate. Both the Pinatubo eruption in 1991

and 1883′s blast of Krakatoa reduced global average temperatures by at least half-a-degree Celsius for up to a year.

These cooling effects are global and fast acting but they’re also incredibly risky.

The Earth is a chaotic system where even the smallest changes can create countless unpredictable ripple effects.


  • Eruption [ɪˈrʌpʃən] (noun) 喷发 – 指火山、地震等自然现象的突然爆发
  • Periodically [ˌpɪriˈɑdɪkli] (adverb) 定期地 – 指按照一定的周期或时间间隔进行的
  • Reduced [rɪˈdu:st] (verb) 减少 – 指数量、程度、强度等降低或减小
  • Unpredictable [ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəbl] (adjective) 不可预测的 – 指无法事先确定或预测的,不可控制的
  • Ripple effects [ˈrɪpl ɪˈfɛkts] (phrase) 连锁反应 – 指事件或行动引起的一系列连续反应或影响,类似于水波纹扩散的效果

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